Carmen Diez

Carmen Diez

Carmen Diez

Program Committee

I’m Degree in Civil Engineering and Master in Environmental Engineering and Management of Water. Actually I work in Regional Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning in Madrid Government, using GIS in urban planning and spatial development general management. Before that I worked modelling with GIS in environmental flow regime, surface water quality and hydraulic modeling flood watersheds of Spain.

I’m an enthusiastic and committed to Geographic Information Systems and to promoting the use and development of FOSS4G through the development of communities. In addition to my participation in OSGeo , I belong, as an active member of the boards, of several communities like QGIS España Association , Geoinquietos Madrid , and GeochicasOSM .

In the last ten years, I have attended and contributed in several local, national and international events in many of their annual editions: SIGLibre , Geocamp , QGIS User Conference , QGIS Hackfest , MyGeo , esLibre , Wikimedia National Conference , etc..

I want to contribute so that OSGeo can promote the use of FOSS4G around the world and for all people in a more effective way. For this reason, I consider it strategic to complement the most diverse possible visions. Strengthen efforts for a more numerous, more protagonist and more diverse participation of women from all over the world. Promote a greater direct relationship between local chapters of the same region and exchanges between different regions, for example, through the participation in regional conferences of representatives of regions other than those that organize it.

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